Studying dreaming at the DNL

The Dream & Nightmare Laboratory accepts a limited number of students for training in dream research theory and methods. There are presently 4 categories of student participation at the DNL:


Each summer, the DNL accepts 8-10 undergraduates into a training program. Trainees are taught the fundamentals of working in a sleep laboratory and collecting and archiving dream reports. More enthusiastic students are also given opportunities to analyze data and co-author abstracts and papers. Applications are only in response to a call for applicants that is released around May of each year. CVs and current grades must be submitted.

Graduate students:

Masters and doctoral students are accepted primarily through the departments of Psychology and Biomedical Sciences. They must be accepted by one of these departments and an agreement made with the DNL director regarding supervision of research. The director will base his decision on a) evaluation of CV and current academic record; and b) meeting with the candidate. Students are expected to apply for bursaries from Canadian or American granting agencies.


Post-doctoral opportunities are available although no permanent bursaries are available. Applicants must arrange for funding on their own or in discussion with the director.


Volunteers are sometimes accepted depending upon need in ongoing research projects. Typically, a CV and academic records are submitted and a meeting with the director scheduled.

Studying dreaming elsewhere